
Create Streets worked for the Kingston Residents’ Alliance (KRA) to conduct a survey into the opinions Kingston Residents have about their Town Centre. It was designed to help contribute to the debate around the height, density and affordability of new housing projects in Kingston.

The results of the survey showed that 88% of residents had a preference for a ‘typical’ London neighbourhood, as opposed to high rise or modern shopping centre, and 88% showing a preference for historic parts of Kingston. 90% supported a medium-rise approach to regeneration with only 5% supporting high rise.


Kingston Residents’ Alliance


Surveying local views on urban form

Client testimonial

“We are very happy with the outcome of the work that Create Streets conducted on our behalf. They quickly and efficiently helped us use images and polling to understand what our neighbours like and want to see built in the midst of a number of planning applications.”

Mediha Boran, Kingston Residents Alliance

Press Coverage

Kingston Guardian