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What makes for happy places?

Sometimes the most basic questions are the most important. What works in different climates, countries and cultures is not the same everywhere. But it does rhyme. Because, ultimately, we are all humans with similar needs for home and community, safety and stimulation, beauty and purpose.

Create Streets devise traditional plan for M&S Oxford Street
GB News - 18 July 2024

Labour adopting Create Streets' gentle density concept?
The Rest is Politics - 13 June 2024

'Stepping off the Road to Nowhere' report
The Rest is Politics - 21 March 2024

Creating homes: how a Create Streets design won more council support for more homes
26 February 2024

Sad Streets Webinar
Planning forward webinar series- 15 May 2023

Opening words from Nicholas Boys Smith
RIBA Office for Place event - 31 Jan 2023

Beauty Strikes Back - Webinar
Planning forward webinar series- 22 Nov 2022

Construire en Beauté
Forum Zéro Carbone Toulouse - 14 Oct 2022

Calling for Traffic Modelling Change
New London Architecture - 15 Mar 2022

Building Beautifully
New London Architecture - 27 Jul 2021

Launch of the Office for Place
Policy Exchange - 20 Jul 2021

Building Beautiful, High Quality Urban Places
IdeasSpace - 24 Dec 2020

Can Design Beat NIMBYism?
Big Tent Festival - 8 September 2018

Championing Reuse in the Built Environment
AJ Festival - 16 Sept 2020

Building Beautifully Designed Homes
A Policy Exchange / Create Streets event - 23 October 2019

What would Bazalgette do?
Times+ conference on Green air - 22 July 2019

The Big Debate 2018: The London Plan
New London Architecture 5 Feb 2018

Tall buildings in London: how many is too many?
New London Architecture 27 April 2018

Residents should take over the Grenfell estate
Legatum Institute 12 March 2018

The changing London skyline

Raconteur - August 2016

Can we Measure the Quality of Place?
Future Cities Catapult 13 June 2017

Create Streets on BBC Newsnight

BBC Newsnight 21 Feb 2017

Housing - What can we do about it?

7 August 2015

Homes not houses - Putting Wellbeing first

Legatum Institute - 9 June  2016

Helping Boris see the light

Shoreditch Church - 23 November 2015

London Needs the Right Housing

Legatum Institute - hosted by Evan Davis, 4 June 2015

The Ruin of London, by A. de Botton

13 July 2015

Giving evidence to Housing Commission

10 July 2015 (with thanks to Barnet Bugle)

B. Johnson on density & planning rules

London Assembly, 17 September 2014

Mount Pleasant Association's deputation

3 October 2014

Making cities liveable

3 June 2014 (from 17 mins, 30 secs)

Mount Pleasant: Seize or squander?

(with thanks to Mount Pleasant Association)

Boris Johnson on density and streets

London Assembly, 23 July 2014

LSE / CFL Towers debate

2 June 2014 (from 27 mins 30 secs)