
An 8-Step guide to designing popular places

This is the PDF version of our very popular foldout guide. It is a summary of our publication 'Of Streets and Squares' which you can find in full here. The 8 step guide shows you how to apply our research to create public spaces that are popular and successful. 

A Guide to Planning New Town Extensions

This PDF summarises research from our Road to Nowhere report, showing how we can build new homes on much less land by ditching ‘predict and provide’ traffic modelling for a ‘vision-led’ approach, to become a nation of townbuilders, not housebuilders.

Healthy Streets for London: Co-design Charrette Processes:
a toolkit for participatory urban planning & placemaking

This toolkit is designed to help local authorities collaborate efficiently and effectively with local residents and other stakeholders to deliver Healthy Streets in line with the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy and the Healthy Streets Approach™. It can also be used to help small organisations, individual designers and practitioners to work with local communities to achieve the same aims of this approach. It is an easy to follow guide equipping anyone with the basic understanding of the Charrette process.

Love thy neighbourhood: the Create Streets guide to creating happy, healthy places

Here is our guide for communities: Love thy neighbourhood: the Create Streets community guide to creating happy, healthy places. This is our how-to guide for communities on how to create more effective Neighbourhood Plans, how to build a case for better streets and how to change your neighbourhood for the better.

The Create Streets guide to councillors

Many hundreds of councillors from all over the UK follow us on social media or are on our newsletter list. An increasing number are saying to us 'we agree with what you are saying but what can we do? We feel boxed in by the planning system or by developers claiming that it is only 'viable' to build up and build horrid.'

So here is a short How to CREATE Streets - a councillors' guide to getting better homes and places built in your neighbourhoods and, crucially, with your communities. Doing so can make home-building more popular and (ultimately) ease the planning system.

Note: There have been useful changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) since this guide was published which make it much easier to fight for popular, healthy and sustainable places. However, most of this note remains relevant. We plan to update it as soon as possible.