Place Champions

We run Place Champions programmes to help communities meaningfully influence development in their neighbourhoods. We have run Place Champions programmes in Tottenham and Peckham. We have been engaged do so by Public Sector clients and supported by Trust for London and the Create Streets Foundation in conjunction with London Citizens. 


We teach and share best practice on urban design, influencing the development and planning process, community development and co-design. We tailor programmes to individual needs but they usually consist of three modules; 

  • Talk – where we share best practice and discuss urban design, effective influencing and community development and co-design; 
  • Walk – where we visit different bits of the city (new and old) and discuss why they work well….or don’t;
  • Do – where we co-design changes to a neighbourhood with and for residents to produce a high level plan which is capable of being worked up further.

As part of the Place Champions programme, we make use of the BIMBY Toolkit


"Proud to support this fantastic scheme.” Trust for London 

"Engaging and interesting. Ideal workshop for a Layman like me!" Participant