CS ProjectsDesign Codes & Guides

Street Design Code, Surrey

Create Streets completed Surrey’s new ‘Healthy Streets for Surrey’ street design guide in 2022 to improve the quality of new and existing streets in Surrey and support more beautiful and sustainable development. At the heart of this is a recognition that streets must be created with a clear ‘hierarchy of users’ in mind, designed firstly for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and then private vehicles.

Create Streets then worked with Surrey County Council and their in-house digital team to turn this guide into a ‘live’ on-line code: ‘Healthy Streets for Surrey’ that can be easily updated as guidance evolves. It has been created through extensive user testing to be very accessible and usable for developers, designers and residents. The code looks at layouts, materials, sustainable drainage, re-greening, vehicle parking, cycling, carriageway and junction design and much more besides.


  • Surrey County Council 


  • 2022 – 2023