
Announcing Webinar: Breathe Free (March 25th)

How can we clean the air in Britain’s towns and cities?

Thursday 25th March @ 6pm

Increasingly people are realising that just because you cannot see pollution, it does not mean it is not there. The genie is out of the bottle. Air in British towns and cities is too polluted and this is killing people. How can we fix this whilst supporting economic prosperity? And how will the politics of clean air evolve in the years to come?

Speakers include:

  • Prof. William Bloss, University of Birmingham, Professor of Atmospheric Science
  • Dr Gary Fuller, Imperial College London, Senior Lecturer in Air Quality Management
  • David Milner, Create Streets, Deputy Director

Chair: Dr Suzanne Bartington, University of Birmingham, Clinical Research Fellow in Environmental Health and Oxfordshire County Councillor.

With support from the University of Birmingham, Transition Network and the Insitute of Global Innovation.

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