Co-creating a design code for the future of Chatham
Since August 2022, Create Streets have been leading the public engagement in support of the Chatham Town Centre Design Code with Medway Council and BPTW architects. We spoke to those who live, work and play in Chatham to help shape the vision for development in the town centre and ensure that the code reflects the aspirations and desires of the community to deliver a more beautiful, sustainable and liveable town centre.
This included ‘engaging wide’ with our Create Communities engagement platform and two ‘pop up’ events in Chatham Town Centre and ‘engaging deep’ interviewing local residents and community groups. In total we spoke to over 200 people in person and received over 5,600 responses to our online surveys.
Key recommendations included a need for greenery in the town centre, safer footways and crossings, a control on building height and a need to celebrate the history of the town and better preserve its built heritage.
Through our extensive consultation we received a clear steer on the types of public places, streets and homes people wanted to see in Chatham. There was a desire for more greenery, safer routes into town , places for children to play, fewer tall buildings and development which celebrates Chatham’s rich heritage with 72% of residents “strongly agreeing” that new buildings should respect our historic aesthetics” and 63% believing that maintaining a consistent height along streets is key.
Feedback on the code has been positive with 81% of respondents agreeing that the code will promote nature and sustainability and 76% agreeing that it will help crate playful and vibrant spaces.
Have a look at the project page here.
- Medway Council and BPTW
- 2022 – 2023