Beauty and the planet – briefing paper (February 23rd)

Today Create Streets is publishing our new briefing paper, Beauty and the planet, by our director, Nicholas Boys Smith, and the MD of Igloo Regeneration, Chris Brown, which sets out six ways in which Homes England’s existing budget could be used more effectively to deliver better more sustainable places and support levelling-up. Download the full […]

Community-led vision and master-plan, Empress Place, London

The co-design of an alternative master plan for part of the Earls Court Master Plan. With strong support from the local community and working with Francis Terry and Associates, Create Streets developed an alternative scheme which preserved an existing terraced street and pub, linked into existing streets and matched the number of new homes. Our […]

Community-led vision and master-plan, West End Lane, London

The co-design of an alternative masterplan for a publicly-owned site in Hampstead, London. In conjunction with the architects Francis Terry and Associates and calfordseaden, Create Streets created an alternative mixed-use proposal for a publicly owned site to show how a different approach could both fit in more harmoniously but also provide more space for shops […]

Neighbourhood Plan, West Kensington & Gibbs Green, London

The creation of the West Kensington and Gibbs Green Neighbourhood Plan. Outlining a road map for development for the next 15 years, the neighbourhood plan sets out a vision which puts community ownership, good quality homes and improved community facilities at the heart of future development for the neighbourhood. The key policies include creating beautiful […]

Community-led vision and master-plan, Little Oval, London

The co-design of an alternative masterplan for the Oval gas works site in South London. In conjunction with the architects Francis Terry and Associates and Urban Design Engineering, Create Streets created an alternative masterplan of gentle density streets and squares with a strong brick and ironwork aesthetic. Working closely with the community, Little Oval offered […]

Critical friend review, Enfield, London

Critical friend review of the proposed Meridian Water master plan and design code in Enfield. The review of the 10,000 homes proposal focused on drawing upon Create Streets’ wider research on the correlations between design with sustainability at level of building, place and location; between design with resident wellbeing; and design and long term value. […]

Community-led vision and master-plan, Mount Pleasant, London

The co-design of an alternative master plan for Mount Pleasant in central London In response to an unpopular major development proposal on a Royal-Mail owned site, Create Streets worked closely with the community and a wider team (Francis Terry and Associates, Urban Engineering Studio, calfordseaden, Alexandra Steed Urban and Maddox Associates) to develop an alternative […]

Vison and master plan, village extension, Dorset

The design of an illustrative master plan for two developments within a rural Dorset village. Split into two standalone developments, our proposals set out a bold and beautiful vision for the village, embodying the Create Streets principles on health, prosperity, beauty, liveability and access to jobs and education, as well as the preservation of the […]

Regeneration strategy, Rochdale

Strategic advice to support the regeneration of the Lower Falinge, Rochdale. We are advising Rochdale Boroughwide Housing on how their regeneration programme can improve health, happiness, air quality and community strength and influence including advice on re-greening, design process and healthy streets. Client Rochdale Boroughwide Housing Timescale 2019 – ongoing