Regeneration & strategy

Regeneration strategy, Sunderland

A vision and strategy for change

Sunniside is a historic area in the heart of Sunderland city centre with enormous potential as a neighbourhood for enterprise and creativity.

Create Streets have been working with TOWN  alongside Sunderland City Council to produce a place strategy and masterplan which establishes a shared vision for the future of Sunniside and, critically, an action plan to deliver this change over the next ten years.

This strategy been developed through extensive community and stakeholder consultation with a series of meetings, site walkarounds workshops and interviews. It aims to bring residents back into the city centre, breathe new life into empty and under loved buildings and offer additional support to the area’s existing partnerships and businesses through short, medium and long term projects. These include tackling crime, the creation of good quality new homes, urban food growing, events programming, business development and skills training.

Have a look at the project page here.


  • TOWN and Sunderland City Council


  • 2022 – 2023

Stakeholder event, Sunniside, Sunderland (11.01.2023)